Can you imagine a Restaurant that makes money and has good reviews without its owner being present?

I've been helping restaurant owners regain their freedom (among other things) for 15 years.


But, let us start at the beginning...

I am an airplane pilot.

It's what I studied. Then, due to life circumstances, I joined my family restaurant to help for a couple of years and the sector caught me (in a good way). That was 25 years ago.

In addition to being a pilot, I am a book geek. It took him a long time to go to school and then there were no cell phones to entertain himself so I read and read.

So when I fell into the world of restaurants I dedicated myself to looking for books to learn, and if there were any, and they were not bad, so I looked at other sources outside of the hospitality industry.

In my search for solutions for myself, I met other restaurant owners and managers and realized that we all have very similar problems.

This is how I appeared in the world of business coaching. Looking for solutions for me. And I found them.

Since 2006 I have practically not worked a night shift.

Between 2008 and 2010 my restaurant grew 35%.

And I was president of Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe for 6 years during this time.

And I advised new openings in Saudi Arabia and China.

I've seen all kind of customers...

A client told me that they didn't know whether to open a restaurant or a gym, but that the restaurant seemed more fun to them. She was loosing 9,000 a month, she didn't see her family and she couldn't find a way out.

I told others: "You don't need my help" and they told me: "It's just that, Ramón, things are going a little less well than before." They did not know how to face new competitors.

Another was a nurse who was trying to help her husband save the business, and her family in the process. In the end they were able to pay the debts in half the expected time and now they travel 3 times a year and are building a new house and she has left her job.

Another had a turnover of 2.5 million a year and said that everything was going perfectly but he lost 200,000 each year and never made payments on time, but he said that everything was going well and that by selling a little more it would be fixed.

Another went on a trip with his partner on a weekend trip and every Monday he changed the concept (I couldn't help this one, honestly)

Another  discovered that her partner was stealing from her hand over fist (she said that she put her hand in the fire for him) and she decided to close up and change her life.

Another learned that they could bill more without raising prices and with minimal changes to the menu.

The thing is that in our business, hospitality, there are patterns, and I dedicate myself to discovering the patterns that don't work and to implementing, with your help, of course, the ones that do work.

It doesn't matter when you're reading this, or where you're reading it from. Either you have already had that "problem" or you will have it in the future.

Many friends asked me, what is your secret?

My secret was that someone saw my business from the outside and helped me meet my goals at that time, which were to grow and not work at night.

Then, in 2008, Gastrocoaching was born (although now I use my personal brand because of the dictatorship of digital marketing, it is what it is).

In gastrocoaching I created the method that I would have liked to have had when I started and that would have saved me at least 10 years.

What I have done over the years is continue learning (I still read a lot, of course) and adapt the method so that the same results can be achieved in less than half the time and to the reality of the restaurants at all times.

But there are still patterns... and we each have our own.

You know that sooner or later the dog takes after the master, right? Well, the same thing happens to your Restaurant.

With a program that I have called "Impulsa tu Restaurante" (Boost your Restaurant)

First we are going to diagnose the patient.

I have told you that there are patterns, that the same thing happens to all of us.

But it doesn't happen to us at the same time. So we each have, just like with ice cream, our favorite flavor of problems.

And depending on the moment you are in, your problems change.

Then I'm going to give you the bad news, and tell you things that you won't like to hear, but of course, if I don't tell you, I can't help you.

And finally, I am going to "rent" my brain to you for 12 sessions to see your business from the outside and give you solutions that may seem "impossible" to you, but are not.

I'm not going to lie to you, you have to get out of your comfort zone (your reasons) and get to work. What I do guarantee you is that it will be worth it.

*Notice: in the world of coaching we use a term "non-coachable client" because there are those who, no matter how hard one tries, have bigger excuses than the desire to move forward.


And what are we going to do in those 12 sessions?

  1. Discover what you really want and where you want to go with your Restaurant.
  2. Understand what it is you sell and if your customers really want that
  3. I'm going to introduce you to your best salesperson and we're going to make him perform at his best.
  4. You will understand why you do it great but you don't have as many clients as you would like.
  5. Learn to grow 10% without having even one more new client.
  6. Discover why you are giving up selling 10% (additional) every day.
  7. Understand that 80% of your team problems arise before signing the contract.
  8. Learn to accelerate without having to repeat everything over and over again.
  9. Fix the worst of our sector: non-communication
  10. The method to manage your money = leave cash problems behind forever.
  11. Recover 5% of your money = send it directly to your benefits.
  12. Learn how to improve your time management = get your life back.




On top of all this:

  • Direct email support with me 24/7 while you are in the program (mail, not WhatsApp).
  • An additional two-hour session at the end of the program to resolve doubts.
  • Free 6-month access to my Mastermind Restaurants platform.
  • Exclusive pre-sale of my live events and online courses (you can buy before everyone else).
  • A 90-minute online training for your team on the topic that seems most relevant to you.

In this program I have concentrated 15 years of advising restaurants and hotels, combining the best of training and coaching so that you regain control of your business and earn more money working on what matters, not on what keeps you busy all day and keeps you  in the same place.


Questions you may be asking yourself...

How does it work?

We will work together for 12 hour and a half sessions in predefined sessions (I'll tell you more later) on critical areas of your business.


What are the sessions like?

100% Online and live. We will divide them into 2 parts. In the first we will work on the concepts and principles of that specific area and in the second we will make a plan to apply them in your business. At the end of the session I will send you a step-by-step action checklist so you don't waste time on nonsense.


What you have to do?

3 things. Prepare for the sessions (I will send you a previous video), attend and do the 3 critical tasks that I will assign to you in each one.


Is 12 sessions enough?

If you commit and do your part, you will leave the program with intensive training to implement changes that work.


What happens if I don't attend a session?

You can only reschedule it 1 time, after that we will consider it done. One of the ingredients of this process is continuity (commitment), I don't want you to lose it.


What if it doesn't work for me?

Very easy. During the first 30 days you can unsubscribe and I will refund your money. No questions.


How do we start?

Click and schedule a call with me in which we will review your objectives and if I can help you in your specific case.